Music Camp; ♥
off to the nearest shopping mall @ 6:43 AM;
Hey.... went to music camp. It was kinda fun. It was from yesterday to today. My group was Group 3. We won 3rd. Yay! Got a High School Musical notebook and some other tidbits.... Quite happy that my group won 3rd. My brother's group won 2nd. His group was Group 4. We learned how to play the guitar. It was fun but tiring!!! my index finger hurts as I need to strum the guitar with my index finger. The instructors who teaches us were My David and Mr Zul. Thank you! We also learned how to dance Japanese Dance. It looks easy but it was actually difficult. Not so difficult ah.... Ms Eunice teaches us. Thank you!!!We also learned how to paint Iraninian art. Mine actually was simple.... but then after the break, Ummaira went to Husna's place and my place( I partner Husna as she was also in my group.) So Ummaira 'edit' for us... Thank You Ummaira!!! =D As far as I know, My painting and Ummaira's painting were hanged. And allot more! There is allot I want to say... But...never mind=D. So that's all.... I want nobody nobody but you.....Wednesday10.00pm
Night At The Museum 2; ♥
off to the nearest shopping mall @ 7:14 AM;

Whats up?! random....
Today, my class had some enrichment classes... so today the class started from 11.00-12.30. And today, me and my siblings went to Lot1 to watch movie. The movie was Night At The Museum 2. It was... ok.... But I kinda like the 1st one better. Because the 2nd one some parts boring....oh well....
. . Profile
I'm not a shopaholic, just a big spender. I shop a lot. You name it, i own it. i heart heels. who doesn't?
well, i shop almost 24/7? i love my clothes more than i love guys.
when guys come & go, bags, purses, dresses. always stay forver.